At Hericus Software, we understand support and we have done our best to build
our Zed Builds and Bugs Manager from the ground up with support
in mind. The software industry sometimes gets a bad rating when it comes to
customer support, and we have been in the industry long enough to know that it can be frustrating
when you cannot even get answers to simple questions.
Hericus Software is different. Customers are the reason we're in business, and without our customers and their satisfaction with our product and our support, we wouldn't be in business. We do not out-source our support, as we firmly believe it is one of our core business strengths. In fact, you will often see responses to support questions from Mr. Hericus himself.
Have you ever owned software from a company that provided support based on forums? This can be a great way to see what other customers are asking and benefit from a community that uses the same product. Have you ever lost your log-in information for the support forums, though? Keeping track of that one e-mail with your support forum access information can be a tough job, especially as new members join your team, or your team changes composition. This will be a non-issue with Hericus. You have control over creating log-ins for your team, and once they log into your local Web page, they will all have immediate access to the Hericus support forums.
Hericus' support philosophy is to make it as easy as possible to find
what you need to know and get in touch with us and all the users of Zed Builds and Bugs Manager
when you need help. We provide built-in forum based
support as an extension of the standard Zed
Discussion Forums. There is no special login required to access the Hericus
Support forum. You can simply switch to the Discussion
Forums and ask your question. Hericus Support will answer, and don't be surprised
to see answers from other customers as well.
Our support philosophy is also shaped by the fact that we use Zed Builds and Bugs Manager right alongside you on a daily basis. We live on Zed because we are software developers too. We use Zed to handle our builds, track our bugs and tasks, and manage all of our support requests whether via e-mail, as tasks, or via the Discussion Forums. Our documentation lives in Zed, and we use it to plan all of our upcoming development work. We have even built custom extensions to Zed, allowing us to do customer management so that we don't have to leave this single environment.
We wouldn't ask you to trust your team to Zed unless we did the same first.
Send Us A Question On Line
If you have a question that you would like to send us directly, simply use the form at the right to send us a question immediately. Provide us with your e-mail address so that we can respond to you and we'll answer your question as quickly as possible.